The objective of the Mark Richard Trust, a UK registered charity founded in 2000 (No. 1090618), is ‘The advancement of the education of young persons studying architeczure at the Canterbury School of Architecture, through the funding and awarding of travelling study scholarships’.
Students eligible for the annual award, which at present is £800, are those studying at Canterbury School of Architecture, in the second year of the BA Hons Architecture degree. The award is well advertised within the college.
Applicants are asked to submit a description of the proposed travel project, with costings and a short personal statement. The deadline for recipt of submissions is arranged by the college and the final selection is made by the Trustees following interviews held at the college. The award is made in time for travel during the summer break.
The successful applicant is expected to present an account of their travel experience, in a medium of their choice, for exhibition at UCA Canterbury the following year. The college assists in any reasonable expense incurred in assembling this exhibition.
Funded by a generous donation by KPF Architects and donations from Mark’s family and friends, all money donated to the Trust is used for the awards. There are no administration charges. Full details about the Trust can be found on the Charities Commission website.